As with most things, the better you are prepared, the better you will fare. There are not a large number of things that you need to do to prepare yourself for this procedure, but there are a few.
Here are our recommendations:
Prescriptions: Ask your doctor for your prescriptions prior to surgery and have them filled ahead of time. If you are recovering from a substance abuse problem, be certain to openly discuss this with your surgeon, as this must be considered so as to not put you at risk for a relapse. Your surgeon can and should be able to help protect you from this.
Driver: If you are having this procedure performed under any type of sedation, arrange for a friend to drive you home the day of the procedure and to stay with you for 24 hours afterward.
Work: Tell your employer that you will need at least one day off work. When you return to work, your speech will be slurred for a few days, but you will be able to function normally (in most cases).
Friends and Family: Do not tell friends or family members that you are having this done unless you are certain that they are in support of it. Otherwise, they will talk you out of it and cause you to question you own decisions. As with most things, they will be fine with it afterward, but just not beforehand. So, wait until afterward to tell them.
Piercings: Remove you piercing the night before the procedure. Electrocautery is used to control and prevent bleeding, and this requires that you be “grounded.” None of this is a problem, but if you have any metal piercings (or metal dermals), you might receive a small burn at the site if your have any metal piercings. If you cannot remove the piercings or dermals, be certain to tell your surgeon as soon as possible, as there are things that your surgeon can to protect you from a burn at the site during the procedure if you are unable to remove any of them.
Food Prep: Anticipate the need for a liquid diet for the first day and very soft foods for several days thereafter.